Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Chinese Dragons

What i read:
I chose to read about MYTHICAL DRAGONS. I read that the dragons are very IMPORTANT in chinese culture and that they think that dragons bring them good luck. And that they are full of all kinds of POWERS and that a dragon is the main attraction at their new years day parades and that it keeps away the evil so that they bring in a good new year.

What i thought:
I thought that it was kind of funny becuase they look up to dragons and that they think that it brings them good luck. I also read have dragons that they keep evil away and that they also have different types of dragons.Some that brought luck and some did other things. For an example one dragons guarded palaces and another fought evil while another one brought all the luck.

What it tells me about civilization:
Well honestly it doesnt tell me much about civilization it mainly tells me about how they believe in. But if i thought it told me even a little bit about civilization i think that it would be that it helps them out because they think that it brings them luck. So with a dragon bringing them luck that means that its helping them out with family needs like having money and being able to supoort their families and that it makes them live longer lives.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Civilization What Does It Mean To You??

Civilization? I personally think their are some people that are civilized and some that arent? I Personally am a person who is and WHY.? Because i can dress a certain way i dont have to wear what others are wearing, i can drive the car that others are not, i can apply for a job wherever i want to and not because someone made me. I think that being civilized is the best thing that anyone could be!! I also think it helps others find out who they are and what they want to be in the future! Like some people may like to dress in all black and some might want to keep up with the latest trends. Some may like hip hop and some might like rock and country but its only because that what they chose to listen to. And also like some people may decide that they want to make McDonalds out of a career bit others may quit and find something more interesting something that makes them feel right or maybe even something that they enjoy doing! But just ask yourself that question. ARE U CIVILIZED??
By Amber Gaines