Wednesday, September 5, 2007

The Existence Of Religions

I think religions exists because people have different beliefs or may worship differently than others. Like Christian believe Jesus is the son of god. While Muslims believe that God revealed the Qur'an to Muhammad. And Islamic people believe in the 5 pillars. And with that being said i think they are different by lifestyle also because Muslims don't believe in eating pork and they walk around with turbans on their heads, While Christians who may eat anything they please but cannot use profanity nor listen to music that says any. So religions exists because people believe in different things and it is a good thing to have your certain religion because it lets you know about your ethnic background which is also important.


carrie said...

Do you think people have different beliefs because of religion? Why do people follow certain religions? What purpose do they serve? You've explained the effect of religions but not why you think they exist... Be sure not to make false generalizations. Not all Muslims wear turbans.

As is you earned 14/30 points.

carrie said...

I mean 14/20 points.