Thursday, December 20, 2007

Assignment 7 Story Number 2 Concentration Camps

Dear Nazi

I am a poor little 10 year old standing behind the barb wire that you all have put up. Me and my friends wake up in the mornings just to see if you have removed the barb wire but we see that is it still always their at the beginning we were afraid to touch it because we thought that maybe we would get and electric shock. But after awhile we we touched it and once we saw that it wasn't going anywhere we went to it and touched it everyday.

I am writing this to find out why you all have this barbed wire up here? Are you trying to keep out invaders or something? I have heard my mother talking about some fighting that was going to destroy the country but i really couldn't hear what she was saying. So if you don't mind could you tell me why you guys have put this barbed wire up here?

Also, me and my buddies want to know if someone gets hurt by this barbed wire will you all care or will just feel happy about the damage that the barb wire has done to a person. I really justr personally would like to know the purpose of it being here i think about that everynight after i had realized that it wasn't going anywhere.

Micheal F.

Assignment 7 Dear Nazis

I am one of the poor soldiers that you made go blind. I am now not able to see where i am going. When i walk i can feel myself stepping on some of the soldiers that are also blind. You Nazis have injured us for life. If we were to ever go back to out families how would we see our wives and children? Out of everything that you all could have harmed us with you all had to choose poisonous gas?

The main thing that we are concerned about is never seeing again. I say wonderfully before you all poisoned us with the gas the last thing i remember seeing is the solider beside me. When we were poisoned with the gas it felt like we had just walked outside on a sunny day and we had been in the house all day long but after awhile thing looked black.

I'm sure that this letter will probably mean nothing to you considering the fact that you feel good for what you have done.But i was just writing this letter to you to let you know what you have done to me and the rest of the British soldiers. May you reap what you have coming to you in the near future.

A True Soldier


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Sunday, December 16, 2007

♥ Amp's Music ♥

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Monday, December 3, 2007

War? What Is It Good For??

War? What Is It Good For? Absolutetly Nothing. Which is very TRUE!! Have you ever thought to yourself about what's so good about having a WAR? What are the Pros that come out of it? Their aren't any and why because people go over seas and to other countries to FIGHT for their country which isn't a bad thing but the consequences of fighting for your country has more of an effect once someone looses their life. The Main question I would say this revolves around is How Does An War Start? I mean I have yet to understand why we are still fighting Iraq. People are steady being called away from their families and going across country loosing their lives. I know that it's for a cause but these people have families back home that need all the love and attenti0n that they can get but yet and still Mothers, And Fathers are leaving day after day to fight in a pointless war. But not only are families being effected but people in the country are also. Our gas prices are sky rocket because of what's going on I bet if someone was to go and ask the president why we are still fighting Iraq he probably wouldn't even have an ANSWER!!! So their for I say until we have a good reason for Fighting we shouldn't have wars.