Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Assignment 5 Printing Press Vs. Modern Invention

The printing press was an old invention that helped back in the 15th Century. It was invented by Johann Gutenberg it helped make books cheaper and it help people learn faster it also improved the knowledge in the society back then before the printing press was invented everything that was even read back int he 15th Century was HANDWRITTEN which took many long years. It was also a part of Martin Luthers 95 Thesis and other parts of the Reformation. It is sometimes used a reference to social, and political change. Eventhough the printing press was helpful when it was invented it had its limits on being used because they had so many things to send out and remake from when they were handwritten they would sometimes not use it.

The Modern Invention
A modern invention that has been made that has changeed society and made the population of Knowledge better would be the internet. And why? Becuase the internet has helped in so many ways because it helps you find out what you are looking for if their is something that you can't find in a book or something then you can find it on the internet. The internet has so many sites to find things on that you wouldn't find it neccessary to have a book or any other type of resource although the net won't always help you but 95% of the time you will find what you need on the internet.


carrie said...

Great details- especially for the printing press paragraph. I agree that the Internet has had a revolutionary impact on the spread of knowledge and people's access to knowledge.

Some on sentences mostly. See me to make corrections. As is you earned 18/20 points