Monday, October 8, 2007

Carpe Diem

I would say that i have been taught to live in the present because the future is NOT PROMISED. So yes i would agree with Carpe Diem because not only is the future not promised but who knows you could look back on the past and see that you have done some pretty foul things but everything has worked out but you are still alive, you are with your family i wouldn't say you don't have any worries because it all depends on what kind of a person you are. Some people think that what they done in the past will reflect their future but that is not true at all. Say like you stole a piece of candy when you were little what kind of consequences did you suffer besides getting in trouble with your mama or daddy?? NONE it doesn't go on your permanent record or anything you were a child who didn't know any better. It's kind of like some people are today i see some people who are so worried about getting into a big college and cry about making B's on papers I MEAN REALLY!! What can a B do to your average?? And they think that if they don't make straight A's then they aren't going to get into the college that they have been dreaming about. It's okay everything isn't made to go our way we have to take what we can get. So in saying all of this i think that we should live today for tomorrow is NOT PROMISED.


carrie said...

Great argument Amber. It reminds me of the saying- don't sweat the small stuff. Great details to defend your argument also.

The content is great, but there are a lot of small errors that I can help you fix to earn maximum points.
As is you earned 17/20 points